Tester Bench Release notes.

28.01.2011: Release 1.0.3

Proxy failure on POST with oversized body fixed. 

18.12.2010: Release 1.0.2

Vista threading issue fixed. 

29.10.2010: Release 1.0.1

Proxy unregistration now will be done immediately or on script termination, end of test or forced break. Erroneous timeouts eleiminated (threading model bug). 

20.10.2010: Release 1.0.0

Bugfix release; proxy unregistration corrected.

18.10.2010: Release 0.9.5

Pac parser library replaced. Now using autoconfiguration works correctly on complex proxy.pac files on XP.

15.10.2010: Release 0.9.3

Corrected finding non-default IExplorer path on XP.

11.10.2010: Release 0.9.0

Major release; minor bugs fixed within default=opera execution path.

08.10.2010: Release 0.8.9

Opera support included.

05.10.2010: Release 0.8.2

Bugfix release. XML logging corrected; screenshots are now available in the preview version. Preview version is available for download on the website.

Production release is delivered from the online store via download.

01.10.2010: Release 0.8

Release 0.8 is the first commercial release of “Tester Bench for jQuery”. Major changes in this release:

1.       Console output format has changed.

2.       Extended logging and XML logging added (production release only).

3.       Screenshots implemented (production release only).

4.       Bug fixes.

5.       Downloadable “Demo” version is not the same as the “Production” release. There is now functional difference between the two. The difference is minor, however it is significant: production build now can do screenshots, extended system logs and testing logs, while Demo version only produces the console output.

Previous releases

0.3-0.7: Beta preview only.